Chalong Pier has long been a great place to relax and take a beautiful afternoon stroll, or to catch a boat excursion out to the surrounding islands. Now, Chalong Pier has just stepped it up to the next level with a newly constructed one-stop yacht center that has an Automatic Identification system that can trace yachts around the region, if you register with the 15-million center of course. The Phuket Governor was very upbeat about the center, when he recently said that the one-stop center has raised the bar to international standards with an undoubted Western approach.
At the center, you will also find officers from Immigration, Customs and Marine 5, who will help to smooth all the paperwork requirements that mount up for those that visit Phuket in their yachts.
Initially, the center was constructed over two years ago, but with lots of debates following to try and decide staffing and funding to make it a success.
The Phuket Yacht Checkpoint Central System, as the establishment is officially known, is something new and unique on the island. Even the construction of a restaurant at the center has been discussed, to help the Phuket Provincial Administrative Organisation to cover the running costs of the center in its initial phase.