When you think about it, Phuket is a great place to explore on mountain bikes, as we have some of the most amazing mountain roads and routes. The Phuket Mountain Bike Hash will be hosting the InterBike Hash #4, which is a great opportunity to meet other likeminded individuals to explore Phuket by bike, while also enjoying the social aspects of the event at the same time.
The InterBike Hash will be held between the 29th April and 1st May, 2016, bringing together hashers from all over SE-Asia and beyond. This 3-day guided off-road tour is for those with a sense of adventure and not really for those with meek hearts.
The tour will give you the chance to enjoy the luscious tropical terrain of Phuket, alongside finding out more about the island’s history and folklore.
There will be lots of cold drinks available to combat the hot weather, and because there is only 200 places available, you need to book and register your place quickly. There are also special lodging arrangements for those who need it, and to find out more details or to book directly, you can visit their website at: www.phuketinterbikehash.com.