As we have mentioned before, holiday/travel review websites such as TripAdvisor hold much weight in today’s travel marketplace, allowing users to review and rank any manner of hotels, restaurants and tourists attractions across your prospective holiday locations. Some of the polls and lists that TripAdvisor creates really do have high-impact.
The website has recently published their Top 10 Islands in Asia list, with Thailand occupying 5 of the places on the list, which is a great coup for the country’s currently suffering travel market. Phuket was ranked at number 7 in the list, which really is great news.
The poll was compiled from the Travellers Choice Awards, and here is the full list below:
1. Ko Tao, Thailand
2. Bali, Indonesia
3. Koh Phangan, Thailand
4. Koh Lanta, Thailand
5. Gili Trawangan, Indoneisa
6. Boracay, Philippines
7. Phuket, Thailand,
8. Palawan, Philippines
9. Koh Samui, Thailand
10. Langkawi, Malaysia